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Have you ever wondered why success seems so easy for some while difficult or seemingly impossible for others? Is it just pure luck that someone experiences mass amounts of abundance or is success elusive simply because one is lazy?

Henry Ford once said:

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.

And it’s true. The mind is a very powerful tool to be used with skill and precision for creating reality. Why would we use it against ourselves?

Growing up, I remember my mom telling me that I could be and do anything I put my mind to. Of course, I never truly believed her. She taught me to be very observant which meant I spent quite a bit of my childhood watching grown-ups hold themselves back in fear and self doubt. Sadly, the “do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do” perspective on life had a massive impact on me.

Along the way I had a deep sense of wonder, what could I really create if I just believed in what my imagination held for me? I dreamed of big things for myself that I never trusted would become real simply because society told me I wasn’t worthy of having it. Somewhere I knew, within every cell of my body, that what they were telling me was wrong and I set out to prove it.

What I found was miraculous! My dreams and visions were missing only one thing: my unconditional faith. Poof! It was like my entire childhood imagination had burst open the flood gates of creation and birthed a new level of being. In a flash, I found that my beliefs were the only thing standing between me and those glorious dreams I had as a child. It brought to the forefront why I had seen so many adults living in misery while chasing dreams.

You see, we play a game of life daily. We’ve set the rules based on our perception of reality. We determine who wins and who loses based on who we’ve been hurt by and who has been by our side through it all. We shape our day and how we’ll react based what we feel we are worthy of experiencing. It’s all a ‘state’ of being, filtering out the limitless potential that IS our truth.

As a soul having a human experience, we have the chance to create anything we truly want to be, do and have in life. We can choose to accept the limits of others, the fears of society or be influenced by the judgments of others…OR we could choose to embrace the nature of infinite potential and be expansive in a space of creation, living out each day with abundance.

Our daily choices set an intention for the universe to guide the flow of our life. The more we choose abundance and expansion, the easier it is for the universe to answer back. If your system of beliefs limits what you choose to see as a possibility in life, your life experience then becomes governed by these limits.

Now you choose, do you wish to feel controlled by your ego, the non-truth energy of lack and scarcity? Or will you choose to step into your truth and let your soul lead the way?